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Class 7: Udaya Two Year Program

Program focuses on enhancing Logical Thinking, IQ, Mental Ability, Science & Mathematics at a level required forNational level Scholastic Exam like National Talent Search Exam (NTSE) for Class X


An Ideal Program for students who wish to climb the ladder of academic success from Class VII itself.

This program helps the student in imbibing the fundamental of subjects and development of personality. The program ‘Train the Brain’ for overall logical thinking, IQ and scientific aptitude which will be useful throughout life and this program introduces the basic academic structure required to excel in competitive exams.

The course will lay Strong Foundation & Preliminary Preparation for various Competitive / Scholastic Exams like NTSE, International Level Olympiads in Mathematics and Junior Sciences (National and Regional Level stages as National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS) and Regional Mathematics Olympiad (RMO)) and will also ensure Excellence in School Exam.


  • Entire course will be covered in 8 phases.
  • Subjects covered will be Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology), Mathematics and Mental Ability.
  • Single comprehensive study material. Additional problems will be supplemented wherever necessary students should not require any additional books etc.
  • Work Books for Home Assignment.
  • Common Phase Tests across the country.
  • Chapter Practice Problems (CPP): On each chapter Students will be given Chapter Practice Problems which they have to attempt and submit before the beginning of the next chapter. These solutions will be checked by the faculty and will be returned to the Students with remarks and suggestions. Thus helping every Student to have a very strong command over fundamental concept knowledge very crucial for getting Top ranks.
  • Class Learning Improvement Program (CLIP): Icing on the cake of every class will be done through Class Learning Improvement Program for those who have completed all assignments to further help them get a higher Rank in Competitive Exams.
  • Success Potential Index (SPI): We are the only institute in India having the capability to predict Success Potential Index (SPI) of a student. We constantly encourage our students to emulate their Success Potential Index (SPI).
  • Students also gain important exam practice through quizzes, phase tests, & mock tests (conducted in a simulated environment giving the students a ‘feel’ of the real exam) that can help them improve their examination temperament a necessary element for success in any competitive exam
  • Regular feedback & Test Analysis Sessions.
  • Dedicated academic operations team provides feedback at any point of time apart from scheduled parent teacher meetings.


About 175 hrs. Including classroom interaction and tests.

Note 1: FIITJEE reserves the right to start all options or any one option depending upon the circumstances.

Note 2: Not all program option are available at all FIITJEE centres. The schedule of classes may vary from one study centre to another. Kindly contact your nearest FIITJEE centre for more details.

Note 3: At select FIITJEE Centres Sunday option might also be available, kindly contact your respective FIITJEE Centre for more detail.


  • Gives you more time to adapt to the quantum jump in level of difficulty with better ease as there is more time for understanding and consolidation over a longer spread academic plan.
  • Optimum utilization of time available.
  • Early starters will always have more time before the actual Competitive Exams as their course curriculum will finish much before the batches starting later.
  • More time to consolidate on one’s performance and for self revision, polishing of examination temperament & removal of last moment doubts. This is very vital to help a student achieve a quantum jump in the performance in Competitive Examination.
  • As serious aspirants never would like to wait, the competence of the batch starting early would be very high as the brightest/serious of the lot will join at this stage thus giving you that better competition you always wanted.
  • Earlier tests & joining FIITJEE give you more time for academics, and lower fees.